Thursday, May 28, 2009

Derailed by life!

I've only been working two sharp and pointed objects lately, a pair of #8 Silvalume knitting needles.  I'm incubating art ideas and coping with the fact I'm dreading studio clean up in the basement by knitting a baby blanket for my nephew and his fiance, who are expecting a baby in January.  It's a bit weird to become someone's great aunt when I've never been a mom, but since it's worked out fairly well to be just a regular aunt-aunt, I am not very nervous about the impending "great." (It's very fun to see my mother freaked out about becoming a great grandmother. Deja vu from when she freaked out about becoming a grandmother!) 

The blanket I'm knitting is something I'm just making up.  It's all yarn from another sort of started but not completed project - last summer a woman from the Cancer Center in Green Bay contacted me about knitting artisan chemo caps to commemorate their opening.  I ordered up some yarn, started making caps (finished a couple I modified from this pattern on and never heard from her I have the two caps and they sit on a shelf in my laundry room closet awaiting the opportunity to be sent off to someone in chemotherapy - I don't know if I'd call them "artisan."  And the leftover yarn is going into a baby blanket.  I don't know about the karma of it all - but I do know I really wanted to talk about design for the hats, wanting to make the best chemo caps ever, and this seemed to be beyond the volunteer coordinator's ability - I think she just wanted them to be funky, I wanted them to be attractive but well designed and above all, functional.  (I'm guessing they found a different source for the caps, since as I said she never contacted me, and I hope it was a group somehow connected with Green Bay's best yarn shop, Monterey Yarns.) Ideally, I would have liked to design the caps, dye the yarn, knit the caps and really do it right start to finish - but that seems like a really nice full-time job.

The problem with being an academic is that many things go unattended to summer-to-summer. It's like I'm always being confronted with what I didn't do the last summer.  Summer is basically one long to-do list of things to make and fix and arrange and record, so that during the school year, I something to report on to show I'm worth paying (besides that teaching thing.) Already this year I'm going to probably miss a deadline for a book I feel I should be in, but I'm having issues with the weather making the house too dark to shoot an image of a particular wearable, which I have to be wearing in order for it to make sense, and Man runs out of patience for these projects.  I don't know why he doesn't have hours to follow me around our house with my camera, looking for neutral walls with adequate light!  I guess it would help if we didn't have art on all our walls. I'm so totally blowing this deadline. Sigh.  I guess I should learn how to use the timer on my camera, and do the self-portrait thing all the photo kids are doing these days. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pittsburgh show

Review on blog from Pittsburgh show at Luke and Eloy.  Also, goodish pictures of some of the other work, showing (I think) that I'm in very good company.