Friday, December 19, 2008

Brainwashing: I read it in the newspaper!

This morning we're watching it snow and I'm checking through my email for things that need attention.  But there's not much except that I've been given permission to post some work by Amii Johns (up later) and also I got a message from my old friend, painter Sienna Reid, who is living in Italy right now, but apparently is still reading the New York Times Arts section (which I can never remember to do.) I'm fortunate that Sienna sent me a link (via Facebook) to this article.

Be sure to read the whole thing. It starts out all nice and "who knew?" and goes along to the key question, Why Embroidery.  Ruth Geuter's essay may be worth the price of the catalogue, which  you can bet I will be trying to order very soon. 

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